How These Queer and Trans API Activists Are Keeping Their Community Safe
API Equality - Northern California, a Horizons grantee partner, trains volunteers to keep their community safe at major events. Equality - Northern California, a Horizons grantee partner, trains volunteers to keep their community safe at major events.’ grantee partner Rainbow Community Center is meeting a major need – but not without controversy. AJ Shepard and Anthony Chiu reflect on how Horizons addresses ever-changing community needs. clinic-on-wheels for sex workers is an innovative, community-derived outreach strategy that is bold and unapologetic. purpose of the podcast is to reach out to those who don’t come out. Queer Ancestor’s Project is an annual free 18-week workshop for LGBTQ artists between the ages of 18-26 who study printmaking and LGBTQ history to create and exhibit prints exploring Grants help create safe spaces so that youth can thrive. This is the story of one young man in Napa County and how his connection to grantee partner LGBTQ more about some of the work we fund through our video series, Our Grantees...Their Stories.