Horizons invests in LGBTQ organizations beyond making grants. We know that lack of funds hinders the effectiveness and impact of nearly every nonprofit that serves LGBTQ people. That's why our resources and research for LGBTQ nonprofits serve to build capacity and power them to raise more funds to help advance our movement.

Give OUT Day
We organize Give OUT Day, a month-long fundraising campaign culminating on June 30, the only national day of giving for the LGBTQ community. Since 2013, Give OUT Day has enabled hundreds of LGBTQ nonprofits across all 50 states, D.C., and Puerto Rico to raise millions of dollars. At no cost, participating nonprofits receive resources, support, and a chance to win additional prize grants.

National LGBTQ Planned Giving Strategy
As the leader of the National Task Force on LGBTQ Planned Giving, Horizons released a landmark report on the enormous opportunity for LGBTQ nonprofits in legacy giving, especially in giving by LGBTQ people through their estates.

LGBTQ Giving Project
Together with other foundation leaders, we conducted in-depth research and real-world testing of strategies for LGBTQ nonprofits to increase fundraising. Hundreds of organizations have benefited from this research through trainings, webinars, and more. The main report of this unprecedented project concludes with actionable recommendations for your organization.

Silver Linings Toolkit
Our current political climate is challenging. A product of the LGBTQ Giving Project, this toolkit addresses how LGBTQ organizations can take advantage of this climate to maximize fundraising and convert those efforts into long-term relationships that sustain your work.

Outside Resources
Funders for LGBTQ Issues publishes an annual report on all foundation grants made to nonprofits serving LGBTQ people.
Candid offers a host of resources for nonprofits, including classes, articles, and a database of grants made for all purposes across the country.
The Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training | GIFT provides a wide array of fundraising resources for organizations that don’t have black-tie dinners or five- and six-figure donors.