San Francisco Bay Area LGBTQ Organization Directory

San Francisco Bay Area LGBTQ Organization Directory

Horizons Foundation is dedicated to creating a world where all LGBTQ individuals live freely and fully. As your LGBTQ community foundation, we believe it is crucial for members of our community to easily find and access services that are tailored specifically to our needs.

We are proud to present the first comprehensive online directory of LGBTQ organizations and programs in the San Francisco Bay Area. This directory is searchable and publicly accessible, highlighting the extensive network of LGBTQ nonprofits and programs across the nine-county Bay Area.

Please note that while Horizons Foundation provides this directory as a resource, it does not constitute an endorsement of the qualifications or services offered by any organization, program, individual, or other entities listed. We encourage you to conduct your own research and due diligence before utilizing the services of any listed resource.

A.B.O. Comix

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture, Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Arts services, Public arts, Cultural awareness, Visual arts, Art conservation, Painting, Community Building, LGBT organizations, LGBT events-other, LGBT Philanthropy, Prisoners’ rights

AIDS Legal Referral Panel

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Patients’ rights, HIV/AIDS, Legal services, Immigration law, Public interest law

Horizons logo

Albers-Alexander LGBTQ Law Scholarship Fund

Subject Areas: Scholarships

Program Types / Activities: Higher education, Graduate and professional education

Alchemy Community Therapy Center

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services

Program Types / Activities: Health, Health care access, Mental health care, Mental health counseling, Mental and behavioral disorders, POC, Health Advocacy

Amor Para Todos (APT)

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Mental health care, Crisis intervention, Prevention, Suicide Prevention, Human Services, Family services, Youth services, Self-advocacy, Transition planning, Community Building, Community improvement, Community organizing, LGBT organizations, Pride events, LGBT events-other, Bullying prevention, Child advocacy, LGBT, transgender, POC, Advocacy, Public policy, Antidiscrimination, LGBT rights, Gender, LGBTI rights, Health Advocacy

Asian Pacific Islander Queer Women & Transgender Community

Subject Areas: Community Building and Leadership, Scholarships

Program Types / Activities: Community Building

Bay Area American Indian Two-Spirits, Inc. (BAAITS)

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture, Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Arts education, Cultural awareness, Visual arts, Performing arts, Dance, Traditional medicine and healing, Leadership

Billy DeFrank LGBTQ+ Community Center

Subject Areas: LGBTQ Center

Program Types / Activities: LGBT center

Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project (BLMP)

Subject Areas: Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Community Building, Community organizing, POC, Advocacy, Civil Rights, Immigrant rights, Gender, International, LGBTI rights

Brown Boi Project

Subject Areas: Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Cultural awareness, Youth mentoring, Community Building, Safe Space, Community organizing, LGBT organizations, LGBT events-other, Leadership, Organizational leadership, Leadership development, youth, transgender, POC, Leadership training, Economic justice, Gender

Castro Country Club

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Addiction services, Community Building

CHEER San Francisco

Subject Areas: Sports and Recreation

Program Types / Activities: Performing arts, LGBT Philanthropy

Child Advocates of Silicon Valley

Subject Areas: Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Mental health care, Youth development, Youth services, Youth mentoring, Special population support, Child abuse, Children’s rights


Subject Areas: LGBTQ Center

Program Types / Activities: Mental health care, Mental health counseling, Family services, Youth services, Senior services, Safe Space, Pride events, LGBT events-other, LGBT remembrance events, Advocacy, Social rights, Religious based homophobia

Coastside Pride Chorus

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture

Program Types / Activities: Performing arts, Music, Musical ensembles and groups, Choirs, Performance art, LGBT organizations, LGBT, LGBT rights, LGBTI rights

Deaf Queer Resource Center

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture, Health and Human Services, Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights, Scholarships

Program Types / Activities: Cultural awareness, Self-advocacy, Safe Space, LGBT events-other, Community service, Bullying prevention, Leadership development, LGBT, transgender, Advocacy, Cultural rights, Women’s rights, LGBT rights

Dem Bois Inc.

Subject Areas: Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Spoken word, Historical activities, Health care access, Personal services, transgender, POC

Detour Productions

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture

Program Types / Activities: Performing arts, Dance, Theater, Theater Performance, Performance art

Diamond Wave

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture

Program Types / Activities: Arts services, Arts Technical Assistance, Cultural awareness, Performing arts

Dykes With Drills

Subject Areas: Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Arts education, Community organizing, Leadership training, Civic participation, Workplace, Housing

East Bay Sanctuary Covenant - OLAS LGBTQ+ Sanctuary Program

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Performance art, Self-help groups, Immigrant services, Community Building, Legal services, Immigration law, Leadership development, LGBT rights

eQuality Scholarship Collaborative

Subject Areas: Scholarships

Program Types / Activities: Higher education, Community college education, Undergraduate education

Face to Face/Sonoma Count AIDS Network

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services

Program Types / Activities: Health, Health care access, Patients’ rights, Addiction services, Mental health counseling, Public health, Sexually transmitted disease control, HIV/AIDS, Human Services, Youth services, Self-help groups, Housing services, Homeless services, Safe Space, LGBT organizations, Gender, LGBTI rights

Family Builders

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services

Program Types / Activities: Family services, Child welfare, Foster care, Family service, Youth services, Adoption, LGBT, LGBT rights, Children’s rights

Foglifter Press

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture

Program Types / Activities: Arts education, Public arts, Performance art


Subject Areas: Arts and Culture

Program Types / Activities: Public arts, Cultural awareness, Visual arts, Art conservation, Film, Film Production, Film post-production, Photography, Historical activities, Historic preservation, LGBT organizations, Pride events, LGBT events-other, Philanthropy, LGBT Philanthropy, LGBT, women, transgender, POC, Development-philanthropy, POC rights, LGBT rights, Gender, International, Democracy and civil society development, LGBTI rights

Galeria de la Raza

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture, Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Public arts, Cultural awareness, Visual arts, Performing arts, women

Give Us The Floor

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Youth services, Youth peer mentoring

GLBT Historical Society

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture, Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Public arts, Cultural awareness, Visual arts, Art conservation, Museums, Historical activities, Community Building, LGBT organizations, LGBT events-other, LGBT remembrance events, LGBT, Social rights, Cultural rights, LGBT rights

Grass Roots Gay Rights Foundation

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture, Scholarships

Health Initiatives for Youth

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Health, Prevention, Sexually transmitted disease control, HIV/AIDS, Youth development, Youth peer mentoring, Youth organizing, Self-advocacy, youth, LGBT

Horizons Foundation

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture, Health and Human Services, Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights, Scholarships

Program Types / Activities: Philanthropy, Development, Community Service, Community Building, LGBT Events-other

In Lak’ech Dance Academy

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture

Program Types / Activities: Arts services, Public arts, Cultural awareness, Dance, LGBT organizations, Pride events, LGBT events-other, LGBT, women, transgender, POC, Organization

Lavender Phoenix

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Self-advocacy, women, transgender, Public policy, Leadership training, Civil Rights, Individual liberties, Social rights, Cultural rights, Economic justice, Justice rights, Transgender and justice system, Antidiscrimination, Immigrant rights, POC rights, Disabled persons’ rights, LGBT rights, Prisoners’ rights, Gender, Democracy and civil society development

LYRIC (Legal Name: Lavender Youth Recreation and Information Center)

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Human Services, Youth development, Youth services, Housing services, Homeless services, youth, LGBT, transgender, POC

Lesbian Game Changers

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Cultural awareness, Film, Historic preservation, Youth development, Bullying prevention, youth, LGBT, Anti-bullying, School, Undergraduate education

LGBTQ Connection

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Public arts, Cultural awareness, Health care access, Crisis intervention, Prevention, Human Services, Youth development, Youth services, Youth peer mentoring, Community improvement, LGBT center

Louise Lawrence Trans Archive

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture, Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Cultural awareness, Visual arts, Historical activities, Historic preservation, LGBT remembrance events, transgender, Community college education, Undergraduate education

Lyon-Martin Community Health Services

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services

Program Types / Activities: Health, Traditional medicine and healing, Mental health care, Addiction services, Crisis intervention, Reproductive Services, Public health, Prevention, Sexually transmitted disease control, Diseases and conditions, transgender, Health Advocacy

Maitri Compassionate Care

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services

Program Types / Activities: Health, Health care access, Traditional medicine and healing, Mental health care, HIV/AIDS, Cancers, Hospitals, Health Centers, Human Services, Nursing homes

Markowski-Leach Scholarship

Subject Areas: Scholarships

Program Types / Activities: School, Higher education, Undergraduate education, Graduate and professional education, Education Institutions

Ministerio Latino

Subject Areas: Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Cultural awareness, Commemorations, Mental health care, Food aid, Immigrant services, Community organizing, LGBT, Religion

Miss Major Alexander L. Lee TGIJP Black Trans Cultural Center

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Prevention, Transition planning, Housing services, Community Building, Community organizing, LGBT remembrance events, Legal services, Leadership development, Advocacy, Public policy, Transgender and justice system, Prisoners’ rights

Moments Cooperative and Community Space

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture

Program Types / Activities: Visual arts, Food aid, LGBT events-other, Event support

Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity

Subject Areas: Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Community service, Leadership training, Gender, LGBTI rights, Religion

National Center for Lesbian Rights

Subject Areas: Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Health care access, LGBT organizations, Legal services, Immigration law, Public interest law, LGBT, Civil Rights, Reproductive rights, Marriage equality, Economic justice, Transgender and justice system, Antidiscrimination, LGBT rights, LGBTI rights

New Conservatory Theatre Center

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture

Program Types / Activities: Arts services, Arts education, Performing arts, Theater, Theater Performance, Playwriting

Oakland Gay Men's Chorus

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture

Program Types / Activities: Performing Art,

Oakland LGBTQ Community Center

Subject Areas: LGBTQ Center

Program Types / Activities: Health, Mental health care, Addiction services, Prevention, Sexually transmitted disease control, HIV/AIDS, Mental and behavioral disorders, Human Services, Food aid, Family service, Youth development, Youth services, Youth peer mentoring, Youth organizing, Housing services, Senior services, Women’s services, Community Building, Employment, Safe Space, LGBT center, Pride events, Bullying prevention, Leadership, youth, LGBT, women, transgender, POC

Oasis Legal Services

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Human Services, Self-advocacy, Immigrant services, Community Building, LGBT organizations, Legal system, Legal services, Immigration law, LGBT, Organization, Advocacy, Immigrant rights, LGBT rights


Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Arts services, Cultural awareness, Health, Health care access, Patients’ rights, Mental health care, Mental health counseling, HIV/AIDS, Food aid, Food delivery, Adult day care, Self-help groups, Shelter and residential care, Housing for the homeless, shelters, Housing for people with disabilities, Elder housing, Retirement housing, Housing services, Home accessibility, Senior services, Community Building, Elder abuse, Rights of the aged, Housing

Our Family Coalition

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Cultural awareness, Community Building, LGBT, Advocacy

Our Space

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services

Program Types / Activities: Mental health care, Crisis intervention, Suicide crisis intervention, Mental health counseling, Suicide Prevention, Mental and behavioral disorders, Human Services, Family service, Youth development, Youth services, Youth mentoring, Youth peer mentoring, Personal services, Self-advocacy, Self-help groups, Safe Space, LGBT center, Pride events, LGBT events-other, Child advocacy, youth, LGBT, transgender, POC, Advocacy, LGBT rights, Gender, School, LGBTI rights

Out & About Bookshop

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture, Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Youth services, Safe Space, Pride events

Out to Protect

Subject Areas: Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights, Scholarships

Program Types / Activities: Public safety, Crime prevention, Community policing, Corrections and penology, Diversity and intergroup relations

Outlet, a program of Adolescent Counseling Services

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Mental health care, Addiction services, Mental health counseling, Human Services, Youth development, Youth services, Youth peer mentoring, Community Building, Safe Space, LGBT events-other, Leadership development, LGBT, transgender, LGBT rights, Gender

Pacific Center for Human Growth

Subject Areas: LGBTQ Center

Program Types / Activities: Health, Health care access, Mental health care, Mental health counseling, HIV/AIDS, Mental and behavioral disorders, Family services, Youth development, Youth services, Youth peer mentoring, Self-help groups, Senior services, Safe Space, Pride events, youth, transgender, Gender


Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Cultural awareness, Performing arts, Special population support, LGBT organizations, Leadership, Leadership development, LGBT, transgender, POC, Leadership training

Peacock Rebellion

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture

Program Types / Activities: Arts services, Arts education, Arts Technical Assistance, Public arts, Cultural awareness

PFLAG Clayton-Concord

Subject Areas: Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Self-help groups, Pride events, LGBT events-other

PFLAG San Francisco

Subject Areas: Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Special population support

Positive Images

Subject Areas: LGBTQ Center

Program Types / Activities: Mental health care, Prevention, Suicide Prevention, Youth development, Youth peer mentoring, LGBT rights

Prism Foundation

Subject Areas: Community Building and Leadership, Scholarships

Program Types / Activities: Commemorations, Community Building, Philanthropy, LGBT Philanthropy, Development-philanthropy, Community college education, Undergraduate education, Graduate and professional education, Philanthropy

Project Open Hand

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services

Program Types / Activities: Health, Health care access, HIV/AIDS, Human Services, Food aid, Food delivery, Dining services, Special population support

Queer Cultural Center

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture

Program Types / Activities: Arts services, Arts Technical Assistance, Public arts, Cultural awareness, Visual arts, Painting, Photography, Performing arts, Dance, Theater, Theater Performance, Music, Performance art

Queer LifeSpace

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services

Program Types / Activities: Arts services, Arts education, Public arts, Visual arts, Health care access, Mental health care, Mental health counseling, Public health, Suicide Prevention, HIV/AIDS, Mental and behavioral disorders, Hospitals, Health Centers, Human Services, Youth development, Youth services, Youth mentoring, Community Building, LGBT events-other, transgender, Gender, Health Advocacy, Sports and recreation

Queer Rebel productions

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture

Program Types / Activities: Public arts, Cultural awareness, Performing arts, Theater Performance, Music, Spoken word, Community Building, LGBT organizations, LGBT events-other, LGBT, women, transgender, POC, Gender

Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project - QWOCMAP

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture

Program Types / Activities: Arts services, Arts education, Film, Film Script, Film Production, Film post-production, Youth development, Youth mentoring, Community Building, Employment, LGBT organizations, LGBT events-other, Leadership development, youth, LGBT, women, POC, Leadership training, Diversity and intergroup relations

Rainbow Community Center

Subject Areas: LGBTQ Center

Program Types / Activities: Mental health counseling, HIV/AIDS, Food delivery, Youth services, Housing services, Senior services, Prevention,Senior services

Rainbow Women’s Chorus

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture

Program Types / Activities: Performing arts, Music, Musical ensembles and groups, Choirs, women, transgender,


Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Arts education, Mental health care, Crisis intervention, Prevention, Human Services, Youth development, Youth services, Youth mentoring, Youth peer mentoring, Youth organizing, Safe Space, Community organizing, Juvenile justice, Leadership development, youth, Emergency funding, Advocacy, Leadership training, Cultural rights, Economic justice, Justice rights, POC rights

San Francisco AIDS Foundation

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services

Program Types / Activities: Health, Health care access, Mental health counseling, Public health

San Francisco Community Health Center

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services

Program Types / Activities: Health, Health care access, Patients’ rights, Mental health care, Mental health counseling, Public health, Prevention, Sexually transmitted disease control, HIV/AIDS, Mental and behavioral disorders, Hospitals, Health Centers, Food aid, Youth peer mentoring, Self-advocacy, Transition planning, Housing for the homeless, shelters, Homeless services, Community Building, LGBT center, LGBT organizations, LGBT events-other, transgender, Advocacy, Civic participation, LGBT rights, Gender, Health Advocacy

San Francisco Earthquakes LGBTQ Plus Ice Hockey Club

Subject Areas: Sports and Recreation

Program Types / Activities: Antidiscrimination, LGBTI rights, Sports and recreation

San Francisco Gay Basketball Association

Subject Areas: Sports and Recreation

Program Types / Activities: Community Building, Community improvement, LGBT organizations, Sports and recreation

San Francisco Gay Flag Football League

Subject Areas: Sports and Recreation

Program Types / Activities: LGBT organizations, LGBT, Diversity and intergroup relations, Sports and recreation

San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture

Program Types / Activities: Cultural awareness, Performing arts, Music, Musical ensembles and groups, Choirs, LGBT organizations, Pride events, LGBT events-other, LGBT, Anti-bullying

San Francisco Pride

Subject Areas: Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Pride events

San Francisco Transgender Film Festival

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture

Program Types / Activities: Cultural awareness, Film

San Francisco Tsunami Swim Club

Subject Areas: Sports and Recreation

Program Types / Activities: Sports and recreation

San Franciso Spikes Soccer Club

Subject Areas: Sports and Recreation

Program Types / Activities: Sports and recreation

San Mateo County Pride Center

Subject Areas: LGBTQ Center

Program Types / Activities: Mental health counseling, Mental and behavioral disorders, Homeless services, Community Building, Safe Space, LGBT center, LGBT, women, transgender, POC

Sebastopol Rainbow Connection

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Health, LGBT center, LGBT events-other, Community service, Sports and recreation

SF LGBT Center

Subject Areas: LGBTQ Center

Program Types / Activities: Cultural awareness, Community Building, Employment, Community improvement, Safe Space, LGBT center, LGBT events-other, Community service, Youth services, Transgender, POC, Mental health counseling

Solano Pride Center

Subject Areas: LGBTQ Center

Program Types / Activities: Cultural awareness, Patients’ rights, Mental health care, Mental health counseling, HIV/AIDS, Youth services, Self-help groups, Senior services, Community Building, Safe Space, LGBT center, Pride events, LGBT remembrance events, ED, Board, youth, transgender, POC, LGBT rights, Diversity and intergroup relations, Religious based homophobia

Somos Familia

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Arts education, Health care access, Crisis intervention, Sexually transmitted disease control

Still Here San Francisco

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture

Program Types / Activities: Arts services, Arts education, Public arts, Cultural awareness, Performing arts, Performance art, Spoken word, Historic preservation

Stonewall Sports San Francisco

Subject Areas: Sports and Recreation

Program Types / Activities: LGBT organizations, Pride events, Leadership development, LGBT, Organization, Sports and recreation

TACT (Trans Advocacy & Care Team)

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Mental health counseling, Self-help groups, Transition planning, LGBT events-other

The Billy Foundation

Subject Areas: Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Special population support, Community Building, Community improvement, LGBT organizations, LGBT events-other

The Curve Foundation

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture, Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Historical activities, Historic preservation, Women’s services, Community Building, Community organizing, LGBT organizations, LGBT events-other, women

The LGBT Asylum Project

Subject Areas: Health and Human Services, Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Homeless services, Immigrant rights, Cultural awareness, Special population support, Legal system, Legal services, Immigration law, Transgender and justice system, Human services

The Sundance Association for Country-Western Dancing

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture, Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Arts education, Dance, Community Building, Pride events, LGBT Philanthropy, LGBT

Theatre Rhinoceros

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture

Program Types / Activities: Arts services, Public arts, Performing arts, Performance art

Trans Bloom

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture, Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Arts services, Arts education, Arts Technical Assistance, Film, Film Production, Film post-production, Photography, Performing arts, Performance art, Health, Traditional medicine and healing, Holistic medicine, Youth development, Community Building, Community organizing, LGBT events-other, Leadership, transgender, POC, Environment


Subject Areas: Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Community Building, Safe Space, Community organizing, transgender, Diversity and intergroup relations, Sports and recreation

TRANScend Retreat

Subject Areas: Community Building and Leadership

Transgender Law Center

Subject Areas: Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Cultural awareness, Health care access, HIV/AIDS, Youth organizing, Community Building, Community improvement, Community organizing, LGBT organizations, Courts, Legal system, Legal services, Immigration law, Public interest law, Leadership, Organizational leadership, Leadership development, youth, LGBT, women, transgender, POC, Emergency funding, Advocacy, Public policy, Civil Rights, Individual liberties, Freedom from violence and torture, Social rights, Disabled persons’ rights, Prisoners’ rights, Gender, Workplace, Housing, Democracy and civil society development, LGBTI rights, Health Advocacy


Subject Areas: Community Building and Leadership

Program Types / Activities: Community Building, Community improvement, Community organizing, LGBT organizations, Community service, Leadership, Organizational leadership, Leadership development, Leadership training, Civic participation, Democracy and civil society development

UNA Inc.

Subject Areas: Arts and Culture

Wake UP Sonoma

Subject Areas: Community Building and Leadership, Advocacy and Civil Rights

Program Types / Activities: Cultural awareness, Youth mentoring, Youth organizing, Self-advocacy, Community improvement, Safe Space, Community organizing, Pride events, LGBT events-other, Community service, Bullying prevention, Organizational leadership, Leadership development, youth, LGBT, transgender, Advocacy, Cultural rights, Immigrant rights, Women’s rights, LGBT rights